When you think about it, all marketing is content marketing-your sales page, your blog, your website, your message, your emails, your videos, your podcasts-they’re all content.

So, why do so many coaches (and other solopreneurs) cringe at the thought of having to market their business?

• They don’t like creating content, or they don’t feel confident about it.

• They don’t feel like they have enough time to create content.

• And/or they don’t know how to distribute content for maximum efficiency, in the crucial areas of their business.

So, successful marketing is all about how well you can produce and distribute content. And many solopreneurs are either not producing enough content to market their business effectively, or they often don’t know where that content needs to be put.

So here is a quick summary of the 3 main stages for content marketing:

1. Content Basics, or what you need to know before you create your content

2. Content Channels, or the channels of distribution, and

3. Content Marketing Strategies, or the actual marketing using content, once you have it in place

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10484551


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